Wind Demons: Babael, Keeper of the Graves (bassoon)
Wind Demons: Babael, Keeper of the Graves (bassoon)
From Wind Demons, a set of six short solo pieces for wind instruments, Babael is written for bassoon. It utilizes breath tones, flutter tongue, multi phonics, alternate fingerings, and incantation of Latin prayer into the instrument as a form of musical spiritual warfare.
Babael is the demonic “Keeper of the Graves.” He is a shadow amidst the graveyards who is said to attend to souls and their burial places, keeping their grounds safe from desecration. But demonic care ultimately casts a dark shadow, oppressing the souls of the deceased. The demonic preoccupation with deceased souls is a poison hindering the soul’s movement towards the light, designed to keep one captive and bound to the realm of the grave, a state of limbo, wherein the soul cannot move on to a state of grace in eternity with God. “Ipse venena bibas! (Drink your own poison!),” from St. Benedict’s exorcism prayer, counteracts Babael’s oppression.