Wind Demons: Balberith, Prince of Dying (English horn)


Wind Demons: Balberith, Prince of Dying (English horn)


From Wind Demons, a set of six short solo pieces for wind instruments, Balberith is written for English horn. It utilizes breath tones, flutter tongue, and incantation of Latin prayer into the instrument as a form of musical spiritual warfare.

Balberith is the demonic “Prince of Dying.” He guides the souls of the dead to the Demonic plane where they are “reborn” from the whole of the fifth element. His deception lies in guiding souls to an eternity with the dark forces, all while appearing to them as a beloved deceased family member or friend. His true form is a mystery. “Nunquam draco sit mihi dux! (Let not the dragon be my guide),” from St. Benedict’s exorcism prayer, counteracts Balberith’s crafty deception for leading souls astray at the moment of death.

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