Wind Demons: Lucifer, Father of Lies (alto flute)


Wind Demons: Lucifer, Father of Lies (alto flute)


From Wind Demons, a set of six short solo pieces for wind instruments, Lucifer is written for alto flute. It utilizes breath tones, flutter tongue, multi phonics, color trills, and incantation of Latin prayer into the instrument as a form of musical spiritual warfare.

Lucifer was a cherubim, a member of one of the angelic choirs closest to God. His name meant “light bearer” and he was made extremely beautiful by the Almighty. His pride led him to rebel against God, seeking after the glory due to God alone. He chose to lead a life separated from God, turning irrevocably from goodness and truth, and thus evil was born. After his fall, he was given a new name, Satan, which means “adversary.” As the father of evil, Satan has the ability to deceive through masquerading as his original form, an angel of light. He often speaks to man through the wind. His deception is so perfect, that many men are hopelessly lost in ruin due to his designs, which aim to keep us from knowing and serving God alone. His romanticized lore is as an air elemental associated with the East. For those under his spell, he is known as the “Light Bringer,” associated with the inner quest for knowledge. His “knowledge” is divorced from God’s goodness and Truth. Jesus said of him: “He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8: 44)

“Vade retro Satana! (Get behind me Satan!),” from St. Benedict’s exorcism prayer, counteracts Satan’s efforts to deceive and bind one to evil, which is everything that separates us from God’s will and from knowing Him.

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