Wind Demons: Ronwe, Demon of Knowledge (clarinet in b-flat)
Wind Demons: Ronwe, Demon of Knowledge (clarinet in b-flat)
From Wind Demons, a set of six short solo pieces for wind instruments, Ronwe is written for clarinet in B-flat. It utilizes breath tones, flutter tongue, and incantation of Latin prayer into the instrument as a form of musical spiritual warfare.
Ronwe is known as the demon of “knowledge and lingual knowledge.” He comes to those who seek him through dreams in settings befitting the Demon of Knowledge: bookstores, libraries, cafes where intellectuals gather. His appearance varies, as he is adept at changing form. Yet, his demeanor is consistent with that of a sage, wise man, as his soul is very old and his eyes reflect great understanding. He deceives through the intellect and through dreams. His deception is given entry through intellectual pride and unfiltered, unbalanced, emotional longing—two seeming opposites which nonetheless leave a person vulnerable to fallacy and demonic oppression. “Crux sacra sit mihi lux! (Holy Cross, be my light!),” from St. Benedict’s exorcism prayer, counteracts Ronwe’s power by placing the true light as one’s guide.