Wind Demons: Unsere, Demoness of Fertility and Sorcery (flute)
Wind Demons: Unsere, Demoness of Fertility and Sorcery (flute)
From Wind Demons, a set of six short solo pieces for wind instruments, Unsere is written for flute. It utilizes breath tones, flutter tongue, whistle tones, aeolian sounds, tongue pizzicato, and incantation of Latin prayer into the instrument as a form of musical spiritual warfare.
Unsere is the Demoness of Fertility and Sorcery. She is associated with the northeast. Her colors are green and white, her month, February, and her season, late winter. She has thin, delicate, pale hands and deep green eyes like the fertile plains of Ireland. They smile and sparkle, casting a spell through the guise of gentle nurturing. Her hair is brown with silver strands, and she often travels in a cowl-hooded cloak. She is said to appear to women during or after childbirth in order to breathe “life” into infants. She deceives through projecting a delicate feminine beauty, conveying wisdom, patience, and even motherhood. Unsere is fire- transformed water: vapor, steam. She dissolves as a mist.
Unsere, like Lucifer, promises to lead one to enlightenment. She is the feminine mental, while Lucifer is the masculine mental. Her deception leads one to believe they have achieved feminine wisdom and a connection to the spiritual realm. Nunquam suade mihi vana! (Do not tempt me with vanities!), from St. Benedict’s exorcism prayer, counteracts Unsere’s deception, because what she offers in the realm of fertility and sorcery is all smoke and mirrors, vanities of pride which take us away from Truth, all while in the form of a subtle, feminine figure.